Underground Railroad Tunnel is Still a Safe Place During a Tornado Warning

We have regular tornado watches and an occasional tornado warning, but a devastating tornado has not hit Hillsdale County since the 1960’s.  The locals are still talking about that fateful Palm Sunday when 2 tornados landed and pretty much wiped out all of the homes on Baw Beese Lake.
It’s a good thing that our house was once an Underground Railroad Station. The remains of the tunnel that the runaway slaves used is now a landing to our basesment and is easily the safest place in the house when a tornado warning is in effect.  It is a stone wall corridor that measures about 4 feet wide, 7 feet high, and 20 feet long. 

My wife and I took shelter in the tunnel this past week when the local weather service issued a tornado warning. Our guests were away, so we left a note for them to join us if they arrived home before the warning expired.  There were heavy winds that knocked down some branches and ravaged a few trees here and there, but no extreme damage.  We were safe in our Underground Railroad Tunnel.

Mike Venturini
Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper
“Life is good in Jonesville”

One thought on “Underground Railroad Tunnel is Still a Safe Place During a Tornado Warning

  1. That is wonderful,Ya'll were safe..We live in Niles,Mi.Was looking up the underground railroad and found you kind folk's.Thank You for posting that pic..Young kid's from Brandywine High…God Bless

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