Shoveling Snow in Michigan



Winter in Southern Michigan isn’t too bad until the wind starts blowing. It really doesn’t seem cold until the temperature drop into single digits, or the wind chill factor makes it feel like single digits. We got a few inches of snow this week, but with temperatures in the upper 20’s and virtually no wind, there was no reason to get all bundled up to go outside and work, so I didn’t. I already had my gym clothes on and felt manly enough to just “man up” and get it done. With my Yooper Scooper in hand, it only took a few minutes to clear the sidewalks of my corner lot in downtown Jonesville. It was exhilarating to push the powder onto the lawn while getting a light workout. I did not get cold, despite my lack of hat, gloves, and pants. The day will come when it will be necessary to get all geared up to shovel and blow the snow. Until then, I will remain comfortable when doing quick work on my property.

Mike Venturini

Jonesville Michigan Bed and Breakfast Innkeeper

“Life is good in Jonesville”

2 thoughts on “Shoveling Snow in Michigan

  1. Hey! Where's your sexy new snow blower? LOL! Thanks again for a fantastic stay. We really enjoyed ourselves. You and Lori are tops! I'm still dreaming about those waffles! Stay Warm. Tracey

  2. We'll be making waffles again on Saturday morning. I've had over 5,000 of Lori's secret recipe waffles and I will never get tired of them. I ageee, they are THAT good. And by the way, there is nothing more sexy than a snow shoveler without pants. 😉

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